Sunday, May 19, 2013

The New Sabertooth

             By: Tsegazeab Beteselassie

Sabertooth: The new Sabertooth.
    You know the Sabertooth Cat* right? It was the most powerful hunter of it's time. Yet, it has some weaknesses. Well I created a new species (in my mind) of Sabertooth Cats. They are bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, and overall more powerful than a average Sabertooth Cat. Well anyways, let's start with the Sabertooth's weaknesses.

   One of the Sabertooth's weaknesses is it's Sabers. They were thought to be used for hunting, until they discovered they were actually quite brittle and only used for shearing off meat. So I decided to make my Sabertooth's Sabers have a sturdier base. Also, their length can be a disadvantage so I made them shorter for even more sturdier teeth. The teeth are made normally, but are "immune" to microorganisms that rot your teeth. So far, we have fixed the teeth, but there is another weakness to the Sabertooth. It is it's legs.  

    Sabertooths are fast, but can't run fast for a long time. They have to ambush their prey so that they can survive. That's one of the reasons Sabertooths hunt in groups. But there is a way to fix that problem of its stamina. If you study the antinomy of a gazelles legs, (I hadn't) and combine it with the horses legs, you can get legs that have a lot of stamina, but are very fast. The stamina muscles cover the outside but speed muscles are with the bone. When speed muscles tire out, stamina muscles take over. Well, for now, we cleared most of the Sabertooth's weaknesses. Now, let's add some strengths.

Giant ground sloth: The giant ground sloth. Also known as
Megatherium.   Link:
  At the Sabertooths time, there lived a giant sloth that scared the Sabertooths away because they were as big as a tree, have six-inch long claws, and have bone under its skin to make it nearly indestructible. Sabertooths couldn't attack it so they gave it a wide, wide berth. However, why don't you add that bone armor to the new species of Sabertooths? The problem is that if blood vessels connected from inside the bone armor to outside the bone armor, when the Sabertooth gets scratched, the blood from the inside as well as the outside is flowing out. Also, if the Sabertooths heart fails even a little on the side where the above armor skin is, the skin will go dull and gray. So the blood is cut out from the outside armor skin. But if that happens, the skin will  still turn gray because no blood is circulating in the outside armor skin. That's why we should put a simple heart to pump blood through the outer armor skin. But no one likes to be scratched, right?

    There might be an animal that tries to attack my Sabertooth. Since the Sabertooth could still lose enough blood to kill him from a series of scratches, there is a way to not lose blood because of scratches.  Why not put thin pieces of sharp bone on the Sabertooth? The bone could hurt the animal when it tries to do anything to the Sabertooth, but there is another way to use the bone spikes. We could put poison on them. The poison is like the poison ivy. It itches and burns your skin. While the attacker is dealing with the poison, the Sabertooth could buy some time by inflicting another scratch on the attacker. The now wounded animal will eventually back away and ceases to cause any more harm. But what if it gets attacked by a bigger animal? What will the Sabertooth cat do?

    If the Sabertooth cat gets attacked by a bigger animal than he is, the Sabertooth can do technically nothing. That's why we should make the Sabertooth cat bigger than it is now (which is about a little bigger than a lion). Why not make it bigger than a rhinoceros? Cat's hairs stand up on end as a reflex to surprises so it can look bigger. When the Sabertooth is surprised, it's hairs plus it's size will usually scare most animals away.  So it is invincible right? Wrong.

    If you burn the Sabertooths skin, it will die. So I thought of a new method to fix that. Water can cease fire, so if you put some water in the hair, the fire will burn out a little. So that might work. However, fire can regenerate, so you destroyed a hair for no reason. However, an ounce of compressed water might work better**. But only a little touches the fire. So why can’t the water be under its skin? When a hair burns, the compressed water will “explode” out of the hair and cease the fire and protect the other hairs. So for every hair that burns, fifteen others are safe. But it needs more attacking power, right? So let's shift some power to the attacking force of the Sabertooth.

    Since all we improved about the Sabertooth are it's defenses, let's give it some attacking power. But the only place where we can put a weapon is on it's tail. We can, however put a blade on it's tail. But what material can we use that is part of it's body? Bone, of course. But the Sabertooth has a very small tail. So what can we do about it? We can give it a bigger tail. It would have to be big, as big as at least two thirds of it's body. It would need big, strong, and fast, not to mention stamina muscles. So when something attacks, the Sabertooth can attack back. Well the improvements are over now. We just finished making the most powerful hunter of all time.

 Email me Thank you.

* Sabertooth tiger isn't the correct name. Its not a tiger, it's a cat.
** The water would be really compressed so it can fit into the Sabertooth's body.

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