Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Fourth Dimension

 By: Tsegazeab Beteselassie

The fourth dimension is a dimension beyond what we live in. If we lived in a two dimensional world, the fourth dimension would be the third dimension as in the ration 3:2. A rectangle would be something like this in the fourth dimension:

Caption: A forth dimensional cube.

If the cube had a mind, it could go from one time to another. However, if something (intelligent) came here, it can go to different times in history. It can also willingly morph from 31 years old to only 16. It will have the chance to be immortal. If a two dimensional person looked at a cube, and if we use the ratio I mentioned later, we can figure out that the two dimensional person will see slices of the cube. If the cube moved, up, and since there is only forward, backward, and sideways in the two dimensional world, the two dimensional person's brain couldn't perceive this, and it would seem to disappear and reappear. If the cube moved sideways, blobs of it would disappear and reappear alarmingly fast. If we use our ratio, then, the forth dimensional person would be like a god. Since, however, we can see time, (as with a microscope looking at radioactive decay) our brains would see it morph from one time to another. If we turned four dimensional, we might be able to travel through time. There is proof that the fourth dimension is real. There has been mysterious disappearances throughout history. The people may have stepped into a wormhole into the fourth dimension (see last article about wormholes). One time in history, a Tensenese farmer disappeared in plain sight. In the last article, it said the wormhole is made from a black hole so, the farmer escaped the black hole and went into the fourth dimension. A year later, they heard his voice , but after a while, the voice disappeared. I assume the voice escaped the wormhole but the wormhole collapsed on itself, though I don't know how or why and the voice couldn't be heard anymore. This is my article on wormholes.

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